DiY: Master Bedroom Floor, Phase 3

Although the Leyland floor paint takes seven days to ‘fully cure’, after three, I’ve put some stuff back, mostly where it was before. Albeit with one or two little differences.

Phase two paintwork, slowly curing.
I might fill the cracks… hmmm?

I have a plan to perhaps put down a herringbone parquet floor in here. In that case I won’t bother filling in the cracks/gaps, or where the screw-head divets are.

As can be seen above, there have been some radiator leaks, which dampened and damaged the floorboards.

Eugh… evidence of the radiator leaking.

I started by moving everything in this little area – chest of drawers and bureau, etc. – out of the way, and hoovering and sweeping all the detritus up and away.

A slightly new arrangement.

I’m trying out the two chests o’drawers on the south wall, side by side. Previously they were stacked, and I really didn’t like that. That arrangement made the room feel even smaller and more cluttered than it actually is.

The only problem is that this man’s opening the office/studio door difficult. Gaaah! It’s all so hard, making a tiny space work, even you have too much stuff!

And the undercoat is down.

The undercoat dries in almost no time at all. I’ll get a coat of the Leyland heavy-duty stuff on next. I also want to paint the skirting boards, gloss white. Maybe I should do that at the same time?

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