CARS: Skoda 1100

A Skoda!? Really!

I found out about this beautiful car thanks to The Grand Tour’s, Eurocrash special, in which ‘the boys’ – well, ok, old men – travel from Poland to Slovenia.

Sporting elegance personified…

Jezza’s large frame and portly belly find him getting stuck in a Formula Easter car at one point earlier in the same show. And frankly, it’s pretty surprising he fits in this sleek little number.

The remainder of the pics of this little doozy come from Skoda’s own web pages on the machine.

Classic good looks.
Left hand drive, alas.
Under the hood.
Funky fonts ahoy.
Beautiful bucket seats.
Sexy minimalism.
Easy, tiger!

I mean… you gotta dig those wire wheels. And the lines are positively shark like. One can easily understand Clarkson’s rapturous reveries.

Read more about it in Wikipedia, here. And I’m always interested in finding out whether such things exist in model form (as that’s as close as in likes to get!). All I could find is this.

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