HOBBiES: 1/72 Tiger I, Pt. 6

Been so busy working, and doing the bedroom floor, this Tiger tank project has had to wait.

Solder axles.

I put some axles in the bottom of the hull. The only thing I could find of approx’ the right diameter was some old very soft solder wire.

What’s all this, then?

My first attempt at the engine itself – above – was way too tiny. And ultimately got scrapped, and turned instead into an inverted engine base/support. See below.

Base in place, ace!
Re-built larger engine.

So I had to rebuild a far bigger engine, pictured above. I decided to built just a top slice, so to speak. As what lays below will be unseen, mostly. This was hard work, but fun. And I had ample opportunities to use various sized hole-punches from the set I recently acquired.

Trial fitting. Sitting a tad too low!

The above pic shows a trial fitting. Whilst it’s nice to see the engine more or less in situ, it’s definitely sitting too low at present. I also note that I’m going to need to build some of the front detail up, as this will be visible.

Top of the engine back out.

So the engine comes back out. And tomorrow I’ll do some front detailing. Then there’s all the little oddments of detail I’ll need to add to the internal walls and tops of the compartments. At present they’re way too plain/blank.

All good clean fun! And very enjoyable.

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