DiY: Master Bedroom Floor, Phase 2

The name/word Billy is on our floor!

I took up the carpet, in the ‘master bedroom’, over the last few days. We’ve been here nearly eight years, and I’ve been wanting to do this since day one!

The old Victorian floorboards are all long gone, alas. Instead we have chipboard floors. And, rather weirdly, the name Billy appeared, in one corner, once the carpet was gone.

I did a layer of grey underpants… er, I mean undercoat! And then a layer of ‘heavy duty floor paint’. Both shades o’ grey (albeit not 50).

The undercoat layer…

And I did all this after an evening delivery shift (5.45-9.15pm).

… ditto.

Once I’d got to the point pictured above, I took a break. I then resumed, but took no more pics. I opted to move all but one of the larger chests of drawers (that’s three out of four!), and paint where they sit.

This still means I’m tackling the floor piecemeal; the room’s too heavily in constant use to simply clear it. Plus there’s too much stuff and not enough space to do so anyway. So I’ll have to work around stuff.

The undercoat was dry in next to no time. The heavy duty floor paint needs a whole lot longer to dry. I’ll be checking in on it tomorrow – which is actually now later today! Pics of that to follow…

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