DAYS iN: All Hallow’s Eve, ‘23

Our rather trad…

Teresa asked me to design the Halloween pumpkin. As usual, I’ve gone with a simple traditional design.

… Jack o’ Lantern.

I drew the design. She cut it out. And she used the innards to make pumpkin pie. Pumpkin, to light the evening, and pumpkin pie, to eat.

Mmm… not pretty. But yummy.

I picked Teresa up from work, at the local railway station. It was very musty or foggy. Quite aptly spooky. And on the drive home see stopped to look at a particularly fancy display.

Once home, Teresa and I picked The Pit And The Pendulum, for our televisual entertainment. Price – as both Nicholas and Sebastian Medino – is, well… priceless!

Suave, and urbane…
… batshit crazy …
… or just plain sadistic?
What a great set!

This 1961 International Pictures ‘classic’ is the second in a trilogy of Poe adaptations. We also have the first (The Fall of the House of Usher), but not the third (The Tomb of Ligiea).

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