DAYS OUT: Kings Lynn

Checquerboard it out!

Kings Lynn is graced with a great deal of fabulous architecture. I was in town to flog off a Tanglewood guitar, at Cash Converters. Alas, times are hard.


I got £80 for the axe. Which was a good result. I got the guitar for nothing. It’s bridge had come away from the body. And the owner didn’t want the hassle or expense of fixing it. I was keen to try my hand at making and fitting a new bridge. Which I did very successfully.

Quite a building, eh?

Until I examined it more closely, I didn’t know what this building was.

Don’t know what they’re doing, behind…

I do love these old doors. Esp’ when they’re green.

Ah, so, it’s The Guildhall.

Sounds like there’s more to The Guildhall than meets the ear.

Having a whale of a time.

This metal plate on the pavement is interesting. I’ll have to look into the whole Kings Lynn whale thing.

The prison…
… proudly displays these appalling things.

The town prison has a museum. I didn’t go in, cause it costs, and I’m broke. But get a load of those shackles or manacles, or whatever the Hell they are.

A nice old shop front.
Now that’s a door!
And that’s a window.
The Duke’s Head Hotel.

I saw a poster advertising an event at the Duke’s Head Hotel: A Jazz life, featuring a drummer I know, John Petters. What a great venue for such things.

In a park, looms this monstrous tower…

As I was thinking of leaving, I passed the above tower. It’s set in a lovely little park. Some photos of which I include below. The tower was originally at the centre, kind of, of an enormous complex of buildings.

This scale model shows how things once were.
The park.
Remnants of more old works.
A rather odd combination of trees!
More great architecture in the park.

On another side of the park, the above walls intrigued me. Going round to the from one sees the building pictured below. A library. What a terrific building. If only modern libraries – and other municipal buildings – might be so beautiful.

Very imposing!

Look at the doors below. Now these are proper portals!


Inside there’s this atrium, and a stained-glass feature in the roof. Exquisite!

I love this staircase!

And just off the atrium, there’s this fabulous spiral staircase.

Looking out of the main entrance.
Another aspect…
A nearby avenue leads to another park.

I finally headed home, satiated, with a bellyful of architectural indulgence. En-route home the heaven’s opened. And there were, afterwards, some very impressive cloudscapes.

Stormy skies, on the return home.
Wet roads, mountainous clouds… sublime!

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