BOOKS/LiTERATURE: Lord of The Rings, 1st Ed.


At the time of posting, St Mary’s Books of Stamford, a bookshop fairly local to me that I love to visit as often as I can, have the above pictured highly collectible hardback first-edition of Tolkien’s hugely popular meisterwerk, The Lord Of The Rings.

I have numerous editions… but not this one.

This trio of books is priced at a bargainous £35,000!!! Read more here. Or you can squint at this screenshot:

A pretty eye-watering price, eh!?

Showing their age a bit.

I wonder, have they sold it? And if so, for how much? Did they get their asking price? I’ll have to ask them, next time I visit.

SEPT ‘24

Well, it’s close to a year – almost to the day – since I made the above post – and I just called the shop, to find out if they’d sold the LOTR 1st edition. But they couldn’t (or wouldn’t?) tell me. It still appears, as a clickable link, entitled ‘featured books’. But when you follow said link, it’s not one of the featured books. Curioser and curioser! The lady I spoke to told me the website is being revamped, and that that might be why the listing for this item is a bit confused/confusing.

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