FAMiLY: Oliver’s Wedding

Alexandra and Oliver tying the knot.

We owe Teresa’s ‘bruncle’, Daniel Samuels* a deep and heartfelt debt of gratitude (to be expressed as a consignment of real ale!), for lending us the wheels that enabled us to be part of Teresa’s cousin Oliver’s wedding.

* Bruncle: brother and uncle; uncle – Jean’s (Teresa’s mum!) youngest brother – but brought up, by Jean, as one of Teresa’s siblings!

At the wheel of a diesel in’t Smoke!

We drove down on Monday. And stayed in a B&B, over a pub, in Hounslow. Thanks Teresa, for booking that. It was weird being in London again. Most of London is sooo ugly and depressing! Thank goodness we got out when we did.

Confetti and kisses outside St. Barnabas.

That said, there are some really beautiful parts. And Oliver and Alexandra were getting married in one such area, Molesey, south west London, close to the Thames.

Teresa took this lovely pic, outside the church.

The wedding was held in St Barnabas Church, with a chap called Richard* presiding. Both Oliver and ‘Lexie’, as he calls her, are musicians and teachers. So, unsurprisingly, but nevertheless wonderfully, the music was great.

* Actually, no word of a lie, the Rev. Richard Biggerstaff… or, more familiarly, his eminence, the right Rev. Dick Biggerstaff!?

Lexie looking lovely.

As the bride walked in, a guy played Bach’s famously beautiful Suite #1 in G major, on solo cello. Gorgeous! And the final piece, before everyone left the church, was Eric Whitacre’s I Carry Your Heart, sung by a small choir in the upstairs gallery. Beautiful close harmonies, with densely voiced chords.

After the ceremony, which was lovely and quite moving, there were tea and biscuits next door. And then we all headed to High Billinghurst Farm, Godalming, for the reception.

Hops and chandeliers at the fab barn.

The reception was terrific. It was nice to get to know folk from both sides of the union, the Wellbournes, and the Sarkar-Samuels, and all their kith and kin! There was booze aplenty, including, rather unusually, a lovely single malt to toast with. And the dinner was a terrific Indian curry.

Oliver’s drums.

Oliver is, like me, a drummer. Sadly we had to leave about 7.30pm, in order to be home at a reasonable hour (got back at 10.30!). So I didn’t get to see or hear him play. But I did get to see his little jazzy ‘jelly bean’ kit. A Canopus snare, no less! Wish I’d have tried it out, to be honest.

Janet, Andrew, me ‘n’ Teresa, and Ida, St Barnabas.
Teresa, Janet and Andrew.
The reception.
Linda, Alex and Teresa enjoying the pud’!

Knowing we had a long journey home, I had to be very careful about my booze intake. Especially as there was so much. And all free! Thankfully I managed to be very restrained.

The wedding day was a mixture of sunshine and rain. Fortunately for Oliver and Alexandra the rain only intruded a little bit into their celebrations. Or at least that part of them we were at. Later on it rained really pretty heavily; for over two hours – so over two-thirds – of the homeward drive!

But we got home safe and sound. It was lovely to be greeted by Chester on our arrival! What a cutie.

Bach’s cello suite performed by Yo Yo Ma:

And here’s Whitacre’s I Carry Your Heart:

MUSiC: The Studio Albums of Jobim.

Jobim, 1972.

Tom Jobim, or, in full, Antônio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim, was born in Rio de Janeiro, on January, 25th, 1927, and passed away December, 8th, 1994.

Widely acknowledged as Brazil’s greatest musical export, and one of the great composers of popular music of the twentieth century, his legacy is a corpus of beautiful and very distinctive music.

I first became dimly aware of him in my mid-teens, as I got into jazz. He seemed to be a ubiquitous name on the credits for the bossa and samba feel ‘standards’ many jazzers performed. It wasn’t long before I started seeking him out, as well as exploring his work on albums by Getz/Gilberto, etc.

This initial dalliance was further boosted by the friendship of Brennan Young, who I met at Goldsmiths, who loved Jobim and knew his oeuvre better than I did. And so my love for both Brazilian music generally, and Jobim in particular, grew.

I’ve been dabbling in writing and recording music of my own since my teens. And alongside that, as so many of us budding musos do, I’d seek to learn by studying the greats. And Jobim was a favourite, such that in my early twenties I pursued a project, under the working title Too Much Time, of recording an ‘album’ of jazz and bossa material, amongst which Jobim would account for about half to two-thirds of the material!

Now, sooo many years later, I still love Jobim’s music, and I still dabble with playing his stuff, albeit far less frequently nowadays. My most recent flirtation with having a crack at the maestro’s material has been to work out a guitar version of Remember, from the album Tide. I posted about that a little while back.

It struck me, whilst listening to Terra Brasilis recently, and, even more recently, Inedito, that I’d like to complete my collection of his major recordings, and survey them all with reviews. This is something I enjoy doing anyway, as it means revisiting all the music of someone I love and admire, and focussing my mind on transcribing my thoughts and feelings about their music.

So, starting some time soon, I’ll be posting reviews of the following Jobim studio albums:

The Composer of Desafinado Plays, ‘63
The Wonderful World of… , ‘65
[Love, Strings, & Jobim, ‘66]*
A Certain Mr Jobim, ‘67
Wave, ‘67
Tide, ‘70
Stone Flower, ‘70
Jobim, ‘72
Urubu, ‘76
Terra Brasilis, ‘80
Passarim, ‘87
Antonio Brasileiro, ‘95
Inedito, ‘95
Minha Alma Canta, ‘97

At the time of posting this I have all of the above except two of the most recent, or rather latest, ‘95s Antonio Brasileiro (I believe Sting guests on this one, dueting How Insensitive with Tom!), and ‘97s Minha Alma Canta.

Another album – pictured above – that has piqued my interest, is a much more recent release, charting his most youthful work, as composer and arranger to other Brazilian artists.

*Quite why this album continues to be attributed to Jobim is beyond me. His face is on the cover. His name is on the title. But it’s not a Jobim album! According to the wiki entry on it, it’s title in Brazil is or was Tom Jobim Apresenta, or Jobim Presents.