Today was a really weird day. I’m drawing to the end of a course of 13 counselling sessions, that have been really helpful for me.
Overall, I feel I’ve made massive progress. But every now and again, like just now, in the last day or two. I can feel awfully, no, indeed, appallingly depressed.
Not only that, but I also have physical dimensions to my ailments. I have psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis. Both of which are very effectively treated by the sea medications that I take.
But nonetheless they do take a toll on me. Perhaps even the treatments, as much as the illnesses? Probably this is manifested primarily in terms of energy. Or a distinct lack thereof.

I spent all of today until about midday in bed, sleeping. And there’s so much that needs to be done. Both that I want to do. And that I simply have to do. So I really haven’t got time to be just sleeping the day away.
Anyway, when I finally emerged, from the cozy cocoon of bed, I decided to tackle a more fundamental job then I had hitherto intended. I would take up the old carpet in our bedroom (we’re also trying to de-flea our house).
It’s filthy, ages old, totally not our tastes, and frankly, disgusting and depressing to contemplate. But the issue is our bedroom is so full of stuff that it’s barely possible to move. Never mind do a big job like that.
So, of course, removing the old carpet entailed moving tons of stuff. An activity that, on a daily basis, I waste masses of time on. Nevertheless, I got on with the job. But soon enough I discovered I didn’t have the appropriate tools.
One of the things I needed was a four-way extension cable (or more, but four at the very least). We have loads of these, but they are generally all full of plugs that I don’t want to disconnect, or I simply can’t find them. So I bought a new, one very cheap (£4), from Boyes.
But getting onto the more specific tool area, I had tried using a Stanley knife to cut into the carpet. But all my Stanley knives are old and rusty/dull-bladed. A quick trip to ScrewFix sorted this out, however.
Whilst there – and enquiring about extension cables that have USB sockets built-in – another guy at the counter enlightened me, re carpet cutting; what I needed was a hook blade. So I bought a pack of these (£2.49, I think?). And, sho’ nuff, once back home, they did the job like a dream. It was, to use an old cliche, like slicing through warm butter!