Will the shelves, at left in the above pic, fit in the drawers, at right? I emptied and moved the drawers into the left corner. But, it turns out the answer is… NO!
First of all the chesty o’drawers is too narrow, width-wise. By only two or three centimetres. But it’s also too tall. By a similar minuscule margin. Drawers plus shelves equals more height than we can accommodate.

I measured Teresa’s other chest o’drawers. And lo, ‘twas both wider, and not so tall. Possibly poifeck? So, I emptied that set of drawers, moved it into the corner, and, ‘wallah’, as TV chefs like to say…
I want to give the shelves another day, to dry out and cure a bit more, before putting a lorra expensive/precious books back on them.

All of this shifting stuff around has left us needing to find new places for the former bedside drawers – seen in their new homes, above – which are, I’m assuming, what would’ve been the base of an old desk. My dad had a roll-mop desk with exactly these sorts o’drawers.
This also means that the blue drawers can move left, and the office/studio door can, if we want, be re-hung. Let’s think about that, eh… hmmm!?
There’s still a fair acreage of wall and skirting board to be painted. And a few dabs of flooring to be neatened up. But this revamp is nearing overall completion. And I think, all in all, I’m pretty pleased.