DAYS OUT: A Sunny Drive in The Fens (or, How I Found Myself on Cock Bank)

I’ve heard of sperm banks, butt…

Wow! What a gloriously beautiful day.

I’ve taken a bit of time out to travel slowly through The Fens, en route to my Amazon delivery shift. And I’m sooo glad I did. I’ve had a whale omelette of a time!

Hi llamas!

My first stop was at a small-holding type place that I often pass. I knocked on the owner’s door, and asked could I feed his llamas an apple. No! They have a very specific diet. Ok.

They – the llamas, not the smallholder – then treated me to an impressive display of bodily functions. The darker one did a wee that seemed to last 20 minutes. Followed by the tiniest poo conceivable. Yoiks!

A view on Cock Bank.

The landscape and vistas around Cock Bank are fab. Well, they certainly are on a sunny day like today.

The wee bridge.
And the lovely waterway.
Tried to capture the vista with a pano’.
Nice abstract patterns on a nearby barn.

This little jaunt, preceding my Amazon delivery route, was an absolute treat. I’m so glad I took the time out. Very invigorating and rejuvenating. Makes me love where we live all the more. A very large part of that is no doubt down to this terrific ‘Indian Summer’.

Long may it continue!

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