MUSiC/ART & DESiGN: The Blue Note Art Blakey Covers

So good!

I have a few ‘coffee table’ art books on the subject of jazz record covers. And whilst all of them contain great stuff, none of them quite capture or distil the real magic of the best album covers as I wish they would.

This one’s actually an homage…

I think to do that they’d have to be bigger than LP-sized, and reproduce all the covers at full size. Ideally with room to spare. There’s naught worse than beautiful images that run into the gutter/spine of a book! Well, I admit, there’s a lot that’s worse. But you know what I’m saying.

How can you not love this?

This post isn’t meant to be in any way comprehensive. For starters I’m limiting it purely to one record label and one artist: Art Blakey on Blue Note. But isn’t it amazing how great these covers are? For my money they elevate the packaging to a plane very much akin to the music.

This one belongs to a weird sub-category!*

And when both music and art are sublime, that kind of sympathetic synergy is a wonderful thing, to be savoured, treasured, and just plain enjoyed/appreciated… so feast your eyes. And, ideally, put on some Blakey, and feast your ears as well!

Sublime! What a face.

In Art Blakey Reid Miles and Francis Wolff found someone who had the musical spirit they loved, plus seemingly unbounded energy and charisma, and really striking looks to boot. He’s a funny looking dude, in some ways. But he’s incredibly photogenic with it.


Wolff would be busy, snapping away at recording sessions. And then later Miles would work his hyper-aesthetic design magic. The resulting package is on a par with the music, as art in its own right. And it helps lend the era/genre a hard to define but instantly recognisable vibe, both rootsy and yet sophisticated.

A typical Wolff studio portrait.

Above is the kind of raw material Wolff would provide Reid Miles with, a fantastic studio shot of the artist at work. Interestingly Wolf’s photographic estate is handled (at least in part?), by the specialist jazz label Mosaic, who might very well have taken their name – they certainly share it – from a Blakey track.

A lot of the covers use black and white photos with single colours as screening tints. And the use of typography is just phenomenal. But as the images directly above and below demonstrate. Miles could still weave his spells with full colour imagery, and more colourful font palettes.

Whether using a fuller range of colours, or going super stark and minimalist, as on Three Blind Mice (below), these covers have a tremendous power. I absolutely adore them!

Sweaty, intense and stark.

Pictured below is one of the books mentioned at the top of this post.

Also worth noting is how the Wolff/Miles house style lives on. The following images are all later non Wolff/Miles productions that clearly owe a debt to and seek to emulate (with varying degrees of fidelity/success) the classic Blue Note house style.

The above is, by normal standards, a great cover. But frankly it’s not in the same league as the real deal. The effort below is a lot better.

Another later ‘in the style of’ example.

I intend to get a body of these and similar record covers decently printed, and then frame and display them myself, both in my office/home studio, and around our home. To finish, a very early example, from back when Blue Note issued 10” discs. And this last one finds Blakey sharing the billing with another Blue Note legend, Horace Silver.

Wow! So g’damn groovy.

* I’ll prob do another separate post on the sub-category of Blue Note album covers that favour semi-abstract photos, often either out of focus, or treating imagery in almost purely textural terms.

MiSC: Joe Hill

Joe Hill.*

Thanks to a FB pal’s post I learned of Joe Hill today. Not heard of him before.

An itinerant worker of Swedish ancestry, Hill was a ‘Wobblie’, or member of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), rising to prominence in that organisation as a songwriter and cartoonist, as well as for his vocal activism.

Hill was executed, aged just 36, in 1915. Allegedly for a robbery in which two men, father and son (the elder an ex-policemen), were killed. I know next to nothing about all this. So I’ll be looking into it. It’s pretty fascinating!

Tom Morello of RATM credits a whole lineage of protest music to Joe Hill’s leading example, which is interesting. As a musician and artist I’m immediately drawn to Hill, not just because I share his politics to some extent (to what extent I don’t know as yet!), but because art and music are my ‘bag’.

Rather strikingly, Hill’s will, reproduced below (along with a post-mortem photo showing his corpse, complete with the execution bullet holes!), is in verse. A poet to the last!

The popular perception on the left is that Hill is a martyr, a scapegoat, a ‘pesky agitator’ silenced by the boss class. Hill refused to exonerate himself entirely, claiming he was innocent. But unwilling to name a lady for love of whom he had, he said, been shot by a another man!

The gunshot wound, which he presented to a doctor on the same day as the fatal double shooting of which he was eventually accused, was, it seems, what got him the death penalty.

A tantalising tale! I must find out more.

One of Hill’s cartoon. I’m assuming the pianist is a self-portrait?

* Quite a striking/good looking dude! Could’ve been played by a young Willem Defoe, perhaps?

MUSiC: The Free Design

Bubbles… what an ace track! I just acquired the rather excellent Butterflies Are Free set, which is the complete recordings of The Free Design, covering seven albums, plus a few oddments, over the period 1967-72.

I emailed Chris Dedrick – their de facto musical leader – years back, and got a lovely reply. I’d hoped to interview him for my putative music book, on music of the early ‘70s. Sadly, since then, he passed away. The ‘Big C’, alas.

Prior to getting Butterflies I had a couple of their albums on CD, and the most of the rest as digital only downloads. I also have a Chris Dedrick solo album, from ‘72, called Be Free. I don’t think I’d ever had their kid’s album, Plays For Very Important People, until now.

Initially a trio of siblings, they were augmented by a fourth family member, (?), becoming a vocal harmony quartet. They also played instruments, with Chris the most active that way (guitar, keys, trumpet, etc.). But in the studio for their recordings, they were backed by stellar sessionistas, such as (names!).

Enoch, avec le pipe!

One of the reasons they’ve remained a bit under the radar might be that they weren’t on a major label. Fearing that a major would be too constraining, they went with audiophile Enoch Light, on his Project 3 label. This ensured them total artistic freedom (and great sound!). But it also meant they didn’t have the publicity machinery of a major label promoting them.

The marks of the late ‘60s era are strong, their whole sound and vibe partaking of a groovy hipness that, ironically, dates the music a little, and is also in danger at times of coming across as a little naff. But, having said this, at the very same time they also have a beguiling mixture of naïveté and musical sophistication that has a timeless appeal. And, despite sharing certain qualities with other similar-ish ‘sunshine pop’ acts of the era, they’re pretty damn unique.

And, for me, Bubbles – posted at the head of this entry – captures this all extremely well. Bill LaVorgna’s drumming is particularly noteworthy, on this oddly funky nugget, negotiating the odd time signature with a lithely supple and elastic groove that makes the whole thing groove very nicely.

But right from the get go, the first and title track of their debut album, Kites Are Fun, sets out their stall; goofily child-like, lyrically, musically adult, and whilst outwardly joyful, there’s nearly always a wistful lonely teardrop in there somewhere. Lovely stuff, as Alan Partridge (or Shakin’ Stevens, if you credit Coogan’s alter-ego) might say.

And as a little additional bauble, the lyrics to Bubbles:

Blowin' bubbles outta the window
Chewin' bubblegum and blowin' big bubbles
Gettin' gettin' ridda ridda all my troubles,
Watchin' the tadpoles glubba, glubba in the puddles
Soap bubbles carry my dreams up high
Bubble gum kinda keeps my heart from gettin' heavy and cryin'

Ma 'n' Pa are arguin' again,
today I lost my best friend
The kitty has a little cold,
'n ' grammama is getting older
My tummy has a little pain,
'n' when does Jesus come again?

Blowin' bubbles outta the window
Chewin' bubblegum and blowin' big bubbles
Gettin' gettin' ridda ridda all my troubles,
Watchin' the tadpoles glubba, glubba in the puddles
Soap bubbles carry my dreams up high
Bubble gum kinda keeps my heart from gettin' heavy and cryin'

Blowin' bubbles outta the window
Chewin' bubblegum and blowin' big bubbles
Gettin' gettin ridda ridda all my troubles,
Watchin' the tadpoles glubba, glubba in the puddles
Soap bubbles carry my dreams up high
Bubble gum kinda keeps my heart from gettin' heavy and cryin'

MUSiC: Ramon ‘Tiki’ Fulwood, drummer

Fulwood laying down the groove.

I absolutely adore some of the Funkadelic/Parliament music. And it’s often very largely due to tremendous rhythmatics, from the drums, obviously, and bass, guitar, keys, etc.

One of the engine room crew responsible for some of this musical wizardry was Tiki Fulwood. As the years go by, and my appreciation for musicians like Fulwood grows, I want to know more about them.

This post will, I hope, grow into a little biog/tribute to this superb musician. First of all, I’ll link to a few things I found on the web about him, such as this, from George Clinton’s website.

Tiki, funky cowpoke, in wide-brimmed hat.

I was surprised to learn that Fulwood had played the drums not only on lots of fab Funkadelic stuff, but also on two stone cold soul pop classics, Tyrone Davis’ Can I Change My Mind and Turn Back The Hands of Time. Dude should be a legend for those alone!

Another more in depth piece can be found here, posted to the ‘rate your music’ website, by someone going by the tag soulmakossa. Whoever you are, thanks for this superb piece!

In my search for all things Tiki, I also found this, from another drummer (props to Ben Woollacott), giving his take on one of Fulwood’s opening fills, in this instance from the Funkadelic track Goold Old Music.


  • Yes – Time & A Word, 1970
  • Yes – The Yes Album, 1971
  • Yes – Fragile, 1971
  • Yes – Close To The Edge, 1972
  • Yes – Tales From Topographic Oceans, 1973
  • Yes – Relayer, 1974
  • Yester/Henke – Farewell Aldebaran, 1969
  • Zappa, Frank – Hot Rats, 1969
  • Zappa, Frank – Weasels Ripped My Flesh, 1970
  • Zappa, Frank – Waka / Jawaka, 1972
  • Zappa, Frank – The Grand Wazoo, 1972
  • Zappa, Frank – One Size Fits All, 1975
  • Zappa, Frank – Joe’s Garage, 1979
  • Zawinul, Joe – Joe Zawinul, 1971
  • ZZ Top – Rio Grande Mud, 1972
  • ZZ Top – Tres Hombres, 1973
  • ZZ Top – Fandango, 1975
  • ZZ Top – Degüello, 1979
  • ZZ Top – Eliminator, 1983


  • Waits, Tom – Early Years, vol 1, 1991
  • Waits, Tom – Early Years, vol 2, 1993
  • Waits, Tom – Closing Time, 1973
  • Waits, Tom – Heart Of Saturday Night, 1974
  • Waits, Tom – Nighthawks at the Diner, 1975
  • Waits, Tom – Small Change, 1976
  • Waits, Tom – Foreign Affair, 1977
  • Waits, Tom – Blue Valentines, 1978
  • Waits, Tom – Heartattack & Vine, 1980
  • Waits, Tom – One From The Heart1982
  • Waits, Tom – Swordfishtrombones, 1983
  • Waits, Tom – Frank’s Wild Years, 1985
  • Waits, Tom – Rain Dogs, 1987
  • Waits, Tom – Big Time, 1988
  • Waits, Tom – Night On Earth, 1992
  • Waits, Tom – Bone Machine, 1992
  • Waits, Tom – Black Rider, 1993
  • Waits, Tom – Mule Variations, 1999
  • Waits, Tom – Used Songs, 1973-1980, 2001
  • Waits, Tom – Alice, 2002
  • Waits, Tom – Blood Money, 2002
  • Waits, Tom – Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards, 2006
  • Waits, Tom – Bad As Me, 2011
  • Weather Report – Weather Report, 1971
  • Weather Report – I Sing The Body Electric, 1972
  • Weather Report – Sweetnighter, 1973
  • Weather Report – Mysterious Traveller, 1974
  • Weather Report – Tale Spinnin’, 1975
  • Weather Report – Black Market, 1976
  • Weather Report – Heavy Weather, 1977
  • Weather Report – Mr Gone, 1978
  • Weather Report – Night Passage, 1980
  • Weather Report – Weather Report, 1982
  • Weather Report – Forecast Tomorrow (comp), 2006
  • Wilson, Jack – Ramblin’ (w Roy Ayers), 1966
  • Wilson, Jackie – Best of the Original Soul Brother (Comp.), 2006
  • Wonder, Stevie – For Once In My Life, 1968
  • Wonder, Stevie – Signed, Sealed, Delivered, 1970
  • Wonder, Stevie – Where I’m Coming From, 1971
  • Wonder, Stevie – Music Of My Mind, 1972
  • Wonder, Stevie – Talking Book, 1972
  • Wonder, Stevie – Inner Visions, 1973
  • Wonder, Stevie – Fulfillingness First Finale, 1974
  • Wonder, Stevie – Songs In The Key of Life, 1976
  • Wonder, Stevie – Looking Back, 1977
  • Wonder, Stevie – Journey Through the Secret Life of Plants, 1979


  • UFO – Phenomenon, 1974
  • UFO – Force It, 1975
  • UFO – No Heavy Petting, 1976
  • UFO – Lights Out, 1977
  • UFO – Obsession, 1978
  • UFO – No Place To Run, 1979
  • UFO – Mechanix, 1982
  • UFO – Making Contact, 1983
  • UFO – Misdemeanour, 1985
  • Uncle Walt’s Band – Uncle Walt’s Band, 1974
  • Uncle Walt’s Band – An American in Texas, 1980-82
  • Uncle Walt’s Band – Recorded Live at The Icehouse, 1982
  • Uncle Walt’s Band – Anthology, 20??
  • Valle, Marcos – Samba Demais, 1963
  • Valle, Marcos – Compositor e Cantor, 1965
  • Valle, Marcos – Violao Enluarda, 1968
  • Valle, Marcos – Samba 68, 1968
  • Valle, Marcos – Mustang Cor de Sangue, 1969
  • Valle, Marcos – Garra, 1971
  • Valle, Marcos – Vento Sul, 1972
  • Valle, Marcos – Previsao do Tempo, 1973
  • Valle, Marcos – Marcos Valle, 1974
  • Valle, Marcos – Escape, 2001
  • Valle, Marcos – Estatica, 2010
  • Van Dyke Parks – Song Cycle, 1967
  • Van Dyke Parks – Discover America, 1972
  • Van Halen – Van Halen, 1978
  • Van Halen – Van Halen II, 1979
  • Van Halen – Women & Children First, 1980
  • Van Halen – Fair Warning, 1981
  • Van Halen – Diver Down, 1982
  • Van Halen – 1984, 1984
  • Verocai, Arthur – Arthur Verocai, 1972


  • Taj Mahal – Taj Mahal, 1968
  • Taj Mahal – The Natch’l Blues, 1968
  • Taj Mahal – Giant Step / De Ole Folks, 1969
  • Taj Mahal – Mo’ Roots, 1974
  • Taj Mahal – Music Keeps Me Together, 1975
  • Taj Mahal – The Complete Columbia Albums Collection (Boxed Set), 2013
  • Taj Mahal – Rising Sons, 1965-6
  • Taj Mahal – Taj Mahal, 1968
  • Taj Mahal – The Natch’l Blues, 1968
  • Taj Mahal – Giant Step, 1969
  • Taj Mahal – De Ole Folks At Home, 1969
  • Taj Mahal – Happy To Be Just Like I Am, 1971
  • Taj Mahal – Recycling the Blues, 1972
  • Taj Mahal – Sounder, 1972
  • Taj Mahal – Ooh So Good n’ Blues, 1973
  • Taj Mahal – Mo’ Roots, 1974
  • Taj Mahal – Music Keeps Me Together, 1975
  • Taj Mahal – Satisfied n’ Tickled Too, 1976
  • Taj Mahal – Hidden Treasures, Vol. 1
  • Taj Mahal – Hidden Treasures, Vol. 2
  • Takanaka, Masayoshi – The Rainbow Goblins, 1981
  • Taylor, Taylor – Lewis Taylor, 1996
  • Taylor, Lewis – Lewis II, 2000
  • Taylor, Lewis – Stoned, Pt. 1, 2002
  • Taylor, Lewis – Stone, Pt. 2, 2004
  • Taylor, Lewis – The Lost Album, 2004
  • Taylor, Lewis – Numb, 2022
  • Toto – The Collection (Boxed Set), 2008
  • Toto – Toto, 1978
  • Toto – Hydra, 1979
  • Toto – Turn Back, 1981
  • Toto – Toto IV, 1982
  • Toto – Isolation, 1984
  • Toto – Fahrenheit, 1986
  • Toto – The Seventh One, 1988
  • Toto – Greatest Hits Live & More, 1992
  • Thin Lizzy – Thin Lizzy, 1971
  • Thin Lizzy – Shades of a Blue Orphanage, 1972
  • Thin Lizzy – Vagabonds of the Western World, 1973
  • Thin Lizzy – Nightlife, 1974
  • Thin Lizzy – Fighting, 1975
  • Thin Lizzy – Jailbreak, 1976
  • Thin Lizzy – Johnny The Fox, 1976
  • Thin Lizzy – Bad Reputation, 1977
  • Thin Lizzy – Black Rose, 1979
  • Thin Lizzy – Chinatown, 1980
  • Thin Lizzy – Renegade, 1981
  • Thin Lizzy – Thunder & Lightning, 1983


  • Quarteto Novo – Quarteto Novo, 1967
  • Queen – Queen, 1973
  • Queen – Queen II, 1974
  • Queen – Sheer Heart Attack, 1975
  • Queen – A Night At The Opera, 1975
  • Queen – A Day At The Races, 1976
  • Queen – News Of The World, 1977
  • Queens Of The Stone Age – Song For The Deaf, 2002
  • Quintessence – Talk Less Listen More, 2004
  • Rainbow – Ritchie Blackmore’s… 1975
  • Rainbow – Rising, 1976
  • Rainbow – Long Live Rock n Roll, 1978
  • Rainbow – Down To Earth, 1979
  • Ramp – Come Into Knowledge, 1977
  • Rebello, Jason – Make It Real, 1994
  • RHCP – Stadium Arcadium, 2006
  • Reed, Lou – Transformer, 1972
  • Reinhardt, Django – The Complete Django Reinhardt And Quintet Of The Hot Club Of France Swing/HMV Sessions 1936-1948 (Mosaic Box), 2000
  • Renbourn, John – Another Monday, 1966
  • Resolution 88 – Resolution 88, 2014
  • Rice, Damien – 9, 2006
  • Rich, Buddy – Big Swing Face, 1967
  • Rich, Buddy – The Complete Buddy Rich, Classic Albums, 1946-1956 (Boxed Set), 2015
  • Rich Buddy – Small Group Sessions [Mosaic box], 2005
  • Richard, Cliff – Wired For Sound, 1981
  • Roach, Max – Kind of Roach (Boxed Set), 2009
  • Rolling Stones, The – Aftermath, 1966
  • Rolling Stones, The – Between The Buttons, 1967
  • Rolling Stones, The – Their Satanic Majesties Request, 1967
  • Rolling Stones, The – Beggar’s Banquet, 1968
  • Rolling Stones, The – Let It Bleed, 1969
  • Rolling Stones, The – Sticky Fingers, 1971
  • Rolling Stones, The – Exile on Main Street, 1972
  • Rolling Stones, The – Goats Head Soup, 1973


  • Papete – Berimbau e Percussao, 1975
  • Parker, Charlie – Ultimate (Comp.), 1999
  • Parker, Leon – Belief, 1996
  • Parliament – 5 Classic Albums
Parliament - Mothership Connection, 1975
Parliament - The Clones of Dr Funkenstein, 1976
Parliament - Funkentelechy vs The Placebo Syndrome, 1977
Parliament - Motor Booty Affair, 1978
Parliament - Gloryhallastoopid, 1979
  • Pastorius, Jaco – Jaco Pastorius, 1976
  • Pastorius, Jaco – Word Of Mouth, 1981
  • Pastorius, Jaco – Invitation, 1982
  • Pearson, Duke – The Right Touch, 1968
  • Perla, Gene – Bill’s Waltz, 2008
  • Perrone, Luciano – Batucada Fantastica Vol. 3, 1972
  • Peterson, Oscar – Oscar Peterson (Comp.),
  • Peterson, Oscar – The Canadian Giant (Comp.), 2003
  • Oscar Peterson – Verve, Vol 1
Stan Getz & …, 19??
Ben Webster Meets …, 19??
The Trio Live From Chicago, 19??
Something Warm, 19??
The Sound of the Trio, 19??
Put On A Happy Face, 19??
Night Train, 19??
We Get Requests, 19??
  • Oscar Peterson – Verve, Vol 2
Louis Armstrong Meets…, 19??
The Jazz Soul of …, 19??
with Roy, Sonny & Jo Jones, 19??
Sonny Stitt Sits in With…, 19??
On The Town, 19??
Very Tall… w Milt Jackson, 19??
At the Concertgebouw …, 19??
Bursting Out …, 19??
  • Peyroux, Madeleine – Half The Perfect World, 2006
  • Pine, Courtney – Another Story, 1998
  • Pink Floyd – Piper at the Gates of Dawn, 1967
  • Pink Floyd – A Saucerful of Secrets, 1968
  • Pink Floyd – More, 1969
  • Pink Floyd – Ummagumma, 1969
  • Pink Floyd – Atom Heart Mother, 1970
  • Pink Floyd – Relics (Comp.), 1971
  • Pink Floyd – Meddle, 1971
  • Pink Floyd – Obscured by Clouds, 1972
  • Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon, 1973
  • Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here, 1975
  • Pink Floyd – Animals, 1977
  • Pleasure – Dust Yourself Off / Accept No Substitutes, 1975 / 1976
  • Pleasure – Joyous, 1977
  • Pleasure – Get to the Feeling, 1978
  • Pleasure – Future Now, 1979
  • Pleasure – The Greatest of (Comp.), 1979
  • Poets of Rhythm, The – Discern/Define, 2001
  • Police, The – Outlandos d’Amour, 1978
  • Police, The – Regatta de Blanc, 1979
  • Police, The – Zenyatta Mondatta, 1980
  • Police, The – Ghost In The Machine, 1981
  • Police, The – Synchronicity, 1983
  • Police, The – Every Move You Make (Boxed Set), 2019
  • Ponty, Jean-Luc – Upon The Wings of Music, 1975
  • Pop, Iggy – The Idiot, 1977
  • Pop, Iggy – Lust For Life, 1977
  • Portico Quartet – Knee-Deep in the North Sea, 2007
  • Portuondo, Omara – La Coleccion Cubana (Comp?), 2001
  • Presley, Elvis – Elvis Presley, 1956
  • Presley, Elvis – At Sun, 2004
  • Prince – 1999, 1982
  • Prince – Purple Rain, 1984
  • Prince – Around the World in a Day, 1985
  • Prince – Parade, 1986
  • Prince – Sign o’ The Times, 1987
  • Prince – Lovesexy, 1988
  • Projeto III, Ze Bertrami – Encontro, 1970
  • Puente, Tito – Puente in Percussion, 1956
  • Pulp Fiction, OST – Various, 1994
  • Pure Groove – Various (Comp.), 1996