Heavens above, I’m 47!

I had a lovely birthday: pancakes and bubbly in bed, for breakfast, pressies galore, lunch and dinner out. Very indulgent and enjoyable.
Got quite a few books, as is my usual way. Most extravagant bookageness on this occasion goes to a fairly old edition of The Photographic History of The Civil War, that being the ACW. Originally in 10 volumes, my version is condensed into five, and is nicely presented, in a case ‘n’ all.

My inspiration for these books was actually a Columbo episode, in which an ACW-crazy general with a diorama of Pickett’s charge has the same edition on his bookshelves. After the Napoleonic era and WWII, the ACW is my next ‘favourite war’.
Whether it’ll ever come to anything I don’t know, but I harbour dreams of building my own armies of Rebs and Unionists, perhaps even making the figures myself. Books such as this collection – fabulous in and of itself – are also great reference material, obviously.

The money dad gave me went on two more military history titles: For God And Kaiser, by Richard Bassett, about the Austrian armies of the Hapsburg empire, and Inside The Third Reich, by Albert Speer. Whilst I’ve only thumbed through the ACW volumes, looking at the pics, I’ve actually started reading Speer’s account, which I’m finding very fascinating.
My mum gave me some money, which I told her I was going to spend on some ‘toy soldiers’, not having bought any for quite some time. I think I’ll buy some Austrians in 6mm, probably mostly Adler, but maybe some Baccus as well? And, again… maybe I’ll even sculpt and cast some figures of my own?

Hannah had already bought Teresa and I the complete Good Life on DVD, but she also got me Marcos Valle’s eponymous 1970 album. I already had a Japanese reissue of this, but I’ve wanted to get the American Light In The Attic label reissues, as well, and that’s what this one is. I listened to it yesterday, and it is SUPERB!

Other presents included a router, a sander, and sundry other bits and bobs. And I’m thankful and grateful for all of them. So thanks to all concerned, especially to Teresa, for helping me have a lovely day. Oh yes, we also stopped in a local pet shop and chatted with some parrots…