FiLM REViEW: City of the Dead, 1960

We watched this (again) tonight, as part of our Halloween half-term horror movie fest. The original English version is poorly named: it’s set in a village, not a city. But it’s a much better title than the US version, which revelled in the name Horror Hotel.

It follows a familiar old horror film theme: witchcraft persisting into the present. Albeit that the present in this case is now a very retro black and white place! The plot is totally ridiculous, naturally.

Nan, beautiful but very dim…
It wouldn’t be horror without boobies!

Nan Barlow, a terrifically beautiful but rather dim student of Prof. Driscoll (Christopher Lee), visits Whitewood, Mass., at the latter’s suggestion, for reasons of academic research, concerning 17th C. witchcraft.

But before this, key characters are introduced at the film’s outset, in scenes of a 17th C. witch burning. The villagers burn Elizabeth Selwyn as a witch. Now, three centuries later, Nan’s visit is the chance for the Whitewood coven to indulge in a spot of virginal blood sacrifice.

Valentine Dyall, aka Jethrow, phantom hitchhiker and witch.
Patricia Jessel is Elizabeth Selwyn/Mrs. Newless.

These key characters are Mrs Newless, who runs the Raven’s Inn, where Nan is staying, and Jethro Keane. Newless is of course Selwyn, and Jethrow is her lover, who we see invoking Satan to save Elizabeth.

It’s all ludicrous hokum, of course. And the film is also a little weird for the interludes of relatively ‘cool jazz’, as opposed to your typical horror movie spooky music (you get some of that as well).

The 17th C. opening scene…
The phantom hitcher…
It’s always misty in Whitewood.
Hooded figures, more mist, crooked crosses…

These old Hammer-style movies are kind of charming, in a bizarro kitsch kind of way. I quite like them for their antiquated charms. And this is a better than average one, in terms of mood and atmos’.

It’s not particularly scary, more quaint, frankly. Were such films frightening when they came out? I really don’t know. It’s hard to credit that they were. But perhaps for some they were? Nowadays they’re more like a spooky form of panto’.

Nan’s bro’, Dick, and Norman MacOwan as the blind (and bushy-eyebrowed) Reverend Russell.
The dreaded coven!
In search of the life eternal… virgin’s blood, etc.

Nan’s brainless doe-like complacency gives ways to nails on a blackboard screaming when, well… I won’t spoil it for those who haven’t seen this. Her college beau and her brother decide someone ought to go looking for her, when she fails to rendezvous at a swinging party she said she’d be at.

The remainder of the film changes from following Nan to the duo’s investigation of her disappearance. Culminating in a… well, again, I won’t spoil it for those who haven’t seen it. There’s a blind reverend, a mute housemaid, and lots of general spookiness.

The shadow of the cross…

Silly, but appropriately fun for the nights running up to All Hallows Eve.

This more modern graphic is used on Shudder channel listing.

FiLM REViEW: Hellraiser, 1987

This movie is a pedigree blackbird, Turdus turdus.

Having recently been indulging in a veritable orgy of horror films, as we approach All Hallow’s Eve, Hellraiser has reminded me of one of the chief reasons I’ve eschewed the genre most of my life. It’s totally utterly awful.

I’m guesstimating that I managed about 30 minutes. After which I decided I’d rather gargle acid whilst having my plums crushed in a vice than suffer any more of it. So I bailed, and instead I’m going to bed with Michael Palin, in the good ship Erebus.

FiLM REViEW: The Blood On Satan’s Claw, 1971

Another October evening in half-term, another Hammer-esque horror movie. This is actually another from Tigon (as was Curse of the Crimson Altar). Fortunately this is a much better than film.

It’s still far from top-notch, frankly, despite having garnered a cult following thanks to the ‘folk horror’ aulde Englande atmos’, very pleasingly conjured by director Piers Haggard. This evocation of a vanished England is my favourite aspect of the film.

What a fantastic shot!

Also worthy of note are some of the camera angles, from a crow, rook or raven or summat similar, viewed from below against a lowering sky, in the opening credits, to similarly vertiginous close in views at other moments, both the look of this film and it’s overall direction are great.

What is ultimately most shocking is the fact that the evil-doers, the ‘possessed’ are children. There are several scenes, all of which are quite shockingly graphic, not in necessarily typically explicit or gory ways, but rather in an old-school suggestive pre-cgi manner.

Childhood innocence corrupted is at the heart of this P. D. James style story.

The twin ‘daemons’ of sex and death rear their horny hairy heads, as paganism returns to haunt Olde Englande. As the film progresses I think I grow to like it more and more. The denouement, however, brings everything rather clunkily back down to earth.

We start with Ralph (rugged, handsome, tousle-haired Barry Andrews), a ploughman, turning up something rather oddly disturbing, as he goes about his work. He reports his find to the local justice of the peace (Patrick Wymark), who is sceptical of Ralph’s country bumpkin superstitions. But it turns out Ralph’s right, and has unwittingly unleashed a formerly dormant demonic force.

The judge questions Margaret (Michele Dotrice).

I won’t synopsise the whole plot. Watch the movie to find out what happens. The chief attractions are the evocation of ye Olde Englande, and a gorgeous vision of rural 17th C. life, plus (un?)healthy doses of pagan sex and death.

Unlike most films of this ilk/era, this is actually a little bit scary in places, in the way The Whicker Man is (although this is not as good a film as that genuine ‘folk horror’ classic), because, as mentioned before, it’s chiefly kids that become ‘possessed’ and act out the evils of their demonic master.

Angel and Cathy during a climactic scene.

Linda Hayden is Angel Blake, who becomes the leader of the devilish coven, and Wendy Padbury plays Cathy Vespers, whose fate is one of the film’s darkest moments. Characters are well named in this movie!

The Blood On Satan’s Claw touches upon one particular area that is potentially very fraught, especially in our current climate, child sexuality. And it does so in two surprisingly shocking scenes: Angel’s attempt to seduce Rev. Fallowfield (Anthony Ainley, perfectly cast), and the ritual rape and murder of Cathy.

Rural England is beautifully evoked.

Taken as a whole, this is a beautifully filmed work, with some great turns from actors who aren’t giants of their art. I can certainly see why The Blood On Satan’s Claw has attained a cult status. Not quite a classic of the same order as The Whicker Man , but definitely amongst the best of its kind, I did really enjoy this, as silly as it is at its core.

Ralph’s fate is key to the plot arc.
Ralph battles with boobies and a blade, for his eternal soul.

MEDiA: Lost At Sea

Peter Bird, at sea.

Phew! This was a pretty hardcore watch. I loved the whole Peter Bird part; he’s very easy to like. But he died doing what he loved, or was was obsessed by, rowing across oceans. Mental!

The hard part, harder than his death, for me, is the legacy, particularly as to how it affected his wife and son. Peter’s son Louis has clearly been profoundly effected by his loss, and the film’s subtitle is My Dad’s Last Journey.

Peter, wife Polly, and little Louis.

It’s a very powerful story, equal parts sad and seductive; dreams of adventure, fame and freedom, pushing oneself to achieve something unique, and at the same time being solitary. Those things appeal to me.

But there are other darker sides, such as a trauma in the family; Cyril, Peter’s father, and Louis‘ grandfather, was what we’d now call bi-polar, and committed suicide by drowning himself in the Thames. Peter then went out and ultimately did something similar, albeit in a very different way. And perhaps neither deliberately nor intentionally?

I’m assuming this is Xmas day, at sea.
This image is fab! Oozing adventure glamour.

Using archival film and audio, and with old newsreels and family and friends as talking heads, this excellent film tells a compelling story. I really loved this documentary. It’s very potent. Very sad. But it also has something magical about it. Hard to convey.

Essential viewing.

PS – Louis decided to row the Pacific, like his father, but – unlike dad – as part of a two man team. To face his own fears, and to try and understand what drove his father.

Louis, with the wreck of the boat recovered without Peter.

PPS – This superb doc’ was directed by Johnny Burke, Amy Ellis’ brother. We spent a terrifically convivial night out recently with Dan, Amy, Johnny and a number of others, during which this programme came up Prompting me to track it down on All 4. Very glad I did!

DAYS OUT: Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

The grand entrance to the Fitz’. Magnificent!

Having gotten up later than planned, after a night plagued by insomnia, I had a good go on the PS4 console brother Sam brought over recently, with the updated Crash Bandicoot trilogy. The graphics are sooo much better. It’s a dream come true for an ol’ fart like me. More on this in another post.

Now, as I type this, we’re at Wetherspoons’ The Hippodrome, for our half-term holiday treat of breakfast out. We did this yesterday as well. Very pleasingly indulgent. And having it as a brunch tides us over till dinner time. Last night that meant a home cooked curry, sat out by a crackling fire in the garden. Ace!

Tucking in to brunch.

Yesterday we both had trad’ English breakfasts. Today I’m having Eggs Benedict, and Teresa’s having scrambled egg with extra toast and a sausage. Yummy!

Some time later, and we’ve spent about four hours pottering around the Fitzwilliam Museum, taking loads of pics, and frequent rests. I read the first chapter of a book about Wellington’s 1813 victory at Vitoria on one of these stops. First Napoleonic book I’ve read for some time!

Korean crane motif vase.
More Korean vases.
A Korean plate, again bearing the crane (long life!) motif.

The Fitz’s permanent collection is fabulous. We also took a look at their temporary exhibition, Gold From The Steppes, which was less interesting to us than most of the temp’ expos they have. I’m more into harvesting inspiration for art/creative projects, or just soaking up aesthetic richness for its rejuvenating effects.

Ceramic apothecary sign.
Florid blue and white was a bit of a theme on this visit!
Japanese porcelain charger.

So I’m posting a few pics here typical of the sort of thing that’s doing it for me on visits such as todays. I type this sat in the Park St car park, in town, having relocated from the Grand Arcade car park, to be closer to The Maypole, and Thanh Binh. We’re eating dinner at the latter, before meeting Dan and Amy at the former.

Dinner at Thanh Bihn. Delicious!
A Stetchworth Craft ale, at The Maypole. Sixteen Strides, I quaffeth!

Yesterday and today have both been quite full and busy. I think Thursday will be a day off, for pure ‘r’n’r’ (or in my case more tidying up in the workshop, I suspect).

Green was also a minor theme …
Leaves were consistent throughout!
Wood carving also featured.

The building itself is also very remarkable. The older 19th century part is sublime. The newer additions are very modernist; monumental, but in a fairly brutalist manner. The following two pictures convey the very different modes/aesthetics.

I tried to capture the awesome splendour of the entrance hall in this panoramic photo.
This concrete lattice roof, in the modern wing, is amazing!

HOME/DiY: Workshop – Groundhog Days, or Tidying Up … (Again!)

I’m typing this at 3.22am, having woken in the night, about an hour ago. And not gotten back to sleep. Insomnia is a recurring issue these days, or, I should say, these nights.

Another recurring issue is clutter. Everywhere. In every room of our home, and in all the outdoor spaces. And, most likely, in my (our?) minds!

I’m determined to address this pressing problem, even if it’s slowly and gradually. That’s the only realistic way. I think. Over this half-term the primary focus, as well as the lounge area downstairs, for me, is my workshop.

Our pal Ken recently pointedly described my workshop as a storage area, as opposed to an actual workshop. The bleedin’ cheek! But in some respects he’s right. In order to work in there at all, never mind safely, I simply must get the place in to some semblance of order!

Things I’ve done recently to this end include building a tool caddy, and repeatedly going over everything trying to find places to store stuff, vacuuming regularly, and putting up various shelves and hooks, etc. Oh, and daily tidying up sessions.

Several further steps I ought to take include: creating efficient storage for abrasives, esp’ sandpaper; organising my wood supplies more efficiently (indoors and out); either making or putting into storage currently unattended music projects (drums and guitars!).

If I can do all these things this week, I shall be very pleased!

FiLM REViEW: Curse of the Crimson Altar, 1968

Hmmm!? I took out a free week long trial with Shudder, so as to watch more horror over Halloween this year. But this Tigon movie from 1968, despite horror ‘heavyweights’ Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee playing key roles, was pretty dire.

The titles are possibly more exciting than the movie.

It starts out with much mammary action, like a weird collision of Star Trek and Hammer (turns out the writers also write for Dr Who!), titillating, if you’ll pardon the pun, as if it’s going to be a kind of trashy sexploitation flick, with a bit of hippy era debauchery thrown in.

Bimbo and himbo, attractive but dull.

But then it goes all stodgy and lame – not warranting the effort a plot synopsis might entail – and wanders around aimlessly for ages, with sod all happening. Mark Eden as Robert Manning is a good looking but rather charisma-less lead, and his dolly bird love interest, Eve Morley (Virginia Wetherell), is sexy but soulless. Like the film. Actually, the film isn’t even sexy. Tawdry, perhaps?

Not as sexy as it thinks it is.

The done to death ‘witches coven in the modern world’ trope is flogged like a long dead carcass, yielding nothing more than the stale odour of decay. Sad, as this was one of Karloff’s last roles. Mind, I’ve never seen him in anything good. But to go out with a whimper on a damp squib like this? A shame.

As crap as it looks …

Can’t say I’d recommend this. Instead I’d recommend not bothering.


I’ve been getting into horror films recently. Much to my own surprise. I’ve even been watching those awful YouTube videos of people talking about their favourite horror stuff. That’s how I found out about this film.

Stranger still, I’ve gone as far as taking out a free week long trial of Shudder, so I could watch this, and some other horror movies, over the upcoming Halloween half-term holiday.

A screenshot from the Subject segment.

VHS ‘94 is part four of what’s become a growing series (I haven’t seen any of the other instalments). It looks and feels, for the most part, like a relatively low budget affair, many of the stories using suspense and ‘jump scares’ or ‘jump cuts’, or whatever they’re called, more than special effects. It’s also done, in the main, as if recorded to VHS, in the popular ‘found footage’ style.

The wobbly camera work and glitchy images might annoy some, but I quite liked the retro granular video vibes. Plus it can help make lower budget horror and gore less obvious/risible.

And on top of all of this, it’s also a horror anthology. There’s ‘ratman’ (Storm Drain), a risen corpse at The Empty Wake, a mad prof/doc’ making human/robot ‘neo-humans’ (Subject), and cultish ‘homeland patriot’ nutters in Terror. A fifth story, Holy Hell, frames all the others. There’s cultish weirdness, monsters, violence, gore, fear, and above all a general desire to scare.

A screenshot from the Storm Drain segment.

I wonder what it says about us as a species that we’re so given to the contemplation of death, and our fears? I suppose those things in themselves aren’t too surprising. What is surprising, and possibly disturbing, is the fact it takes the form, these days, of a whole subculture and industry, as prolific as it is … erm..? grotesque.

Certain passages in several segments are very like action from first-person video games. It seems the intersection between the worlds of video game culture and the rest of life, movies in particular, proceeds apace. This is especially true of Subject, which is probably the strongest individual segment of VHS ‘94. Subject is the only story not set in the US, and is also the slickest of the shorts, production wise.

I actually enjoyed VHS ‘94, or at least parts of it, quite a lot. There were, I feel, more interesting ideas in several of these shorts than in most full length horror films. One of the most interesting segments, Terror, is presented as if it’s the home videos of an extreme right wing neo-Nazi group, as they prepare for a terrorist attack.

First Patriots Movement Militia, comically inept but also disturbingly real.
Grim goings on at the compound.

These Trumpist/MAGA style lunatics are as comically inept as they are morally bankrupt. But their nefarious plans go bloodily awry. Does it make any sense? We see the same man executed repeatedly by different members of the group. Does it ‘mean’ anything? From exploding bunnies to a freaky monster; I’ve no idea right now.

Ironically one of the weakest stories, Holy Hell, is the one that’s spliced up and used as a recurrent ‘back to the story’ type glue, framing all the other threads, and starting and finishing the whole set. Or perhaps it feels disjointed and less effective because it’s chopped up, where the others are complete?

Holy Hell, my least favourite of the segments.

Anyway, better than a lot of much better funded mainstream stuff, and, in my view, worth watching. Especially for the Subject and Terror segments.

HOME/DiY: Workshop – Polishing my Knob

At close of play…

Today I made a knob for the Handyman plane I’ve been working on, to go with the handle I recently made. Both are made from quite soft construction pine.

I had to set up the bandsaw to cut a blank.

Cutting blanks from a big block of pine, I quickly realised my bandsaw was all out of whack. So I had to take a break to sort that out. Took a while! I needed to adjust pretty much everything! I even had to drill new holes in the fence clamp to help get the fence properly aligned.

I drove a screw into the blank, cut off the head…

The angle-grinder took the head off a long thin screw, so I could put it in the chuck of a drill. This then meant I could ‘turn’ the block, kind of primitive lathe-style, into a large tubular rod.

… and used this hand drill as a mini lathe.

After this initial rounding stage, I took a lead out of Paul Seller’s book, and used a hand saw, followed by chisels/rasps, to narrow the circumference of the lower basal part of the blank. After that it was just a case of rasping, filing and so on, until I attained the desired curves.

Fully shaped, I used the vice to extract the screw.

Once I’d got a shape I was pleased with, I put the screw/shank in the vice and rotated the shaped knob off. Then the drill-press did the holes for the threaded-rod and fixing doodad.

In these pics my rather slapdash work looks ok. And I’ve learned lots. But one thing I’ve learned is I need to remake these in harder wood, and be more accurate and neat in doing so.

Much varnishing and sanding… as ever.
And done, for now.

The day after making the front knob, I put this plane back together. Turns out it’s the scrub plane. I felt the handles I’d made weren’t seating quite right, so I made a pair of cork ‘gaskets’, using the footprint of each piece. I also had to add a bit of dowel back into the top hole of the ‘knob’. But all told, with the final bit of fettling, I’m actually quite pleased.

The new look, in front of an unmodified plastic one.

FiLM REViEW: Kiss of the Vampire, 1963

We watched this movie – in part or whole? I forget now – once before. Here we are watching it again. As we approach Hallowe’en it seems there’s a bit of a Hammer-fest going on round here!

I’m not naturally a massive fan of these hammy technicolour schlock-horror sorts of movies. But Teresa is gradually indoctrinating me in the ways of Hammer and similar stuff.

Jennifer Daniel as Marianne Harcourt.

None of the cast are familiar to me, except perhaps Jennifer Daniel. And even then I’m not sure I’ve really seen her before (other than the last time we watched this).

To enjoy these things one has to either have some degree of susceptibility to the superstitious, or else suspend all pretence at any idea of rational integrity. The world these supernatural or paranormal stories inhabit is, well, frankly really rather silly.

Noel Willman’s Dr Raven…
… despite the fangs, lacks bite.

But if you can settle into the silliness – I can’t be bothered to synopsise the typical haunted castle pretty dame horny ol’ vampire schtick – then there is here an alternate ‘reality’ in which one can revel in a whole bouillabaisse or witches brew of nuttiness.

If one knows and loves Cushing, Lee et al, as we do, their charisma can help make even the most excessively camp nonsense more palatable. Surprisingly, perhaps, the B-list cast of Kiss of the Vampire are actually okay, on the whole. Within the formulaic corridors of this rather tawdry hallucinatory world this isn’t so bad.

Still, that’s hardly a glowing recommendation!

Clifford Evans’ as Prof. Zimmer.