MUSiC: A Little More Gabor

Apparently this movie, called Rising, was a USC (University of Southern California) master’s project, by a certain Larry Bock.

I can’t find out much about Bock (was he any relation to Dick Bock? Was he the same Lawrence Bock that became an entrepreneur?), which is a pity.

The film itself is a real gem, mixing stills, live footage, interviews with Szabo and associates (inc. Leonard Feather, and other notable jazzniks). One minor criticism is that it’d have been nice to see less cutting between pieces and more unbroken music.

Also worth checking out is this Facebook page dedicated to Gabor Szabo and his music:

When I first posted this, I’d only watched the first half of the film. Watching the remainder drove home a few salutory reminders about the artistic and/or musical life. Szabo is very candid, and quite humble, almost to the point of being a little self effacing. Saying at one point ‘maybe that’s how [through music, esp’ live performance] I compensate for my shortcomings as an individual‘!

It’s also clear that despite how we as listeners might perceive his art/music as an ‘end product’ (a horrid phrase!) that’s often perfect, or damn near, for him it was always a process of disappointment, whilst striving towards a seemingly unattainable goal. I recognise that feeling!

MUSiC: Gabor Szabo, Faces, 1977

Tell it like it is, it ain’t nothin’ but The Biz, a little more, Gabor!’

I’ve been really diggin’ Gabor Szabo recently. And it was when I was reading Doug Payne’s excellent online biography of the Hungarian guitarist that I noticed something startling. Amongst the personnel credits for 1977’s Faces, was Marlon McLain, of Pleasure.

I love Pleasure! And I love Gabor! So I looked again, a bit harder, and, lo and behold, also credited: bassist Nathaniel Phillips, drummer Bruce Carter, and Wayne Henderson, of Crusaders fame. ‘Twas Henderson who was acting as avuncular to Pleasure, discovering, signing and producing them. So in essence we have a Pleasure rhythm section (guitar, bass, drums) + Szabo! All produced – and with horns arranged by – Wayne Henderson. What’s not to love!?

I can see how some of the ‘moldy [sic] figs’ – those self appointed champions of jazz ‘purity’ (surely a massively mistaken and oxymoronic idea?) – might react against such a combo’. Not me! Two artists I love combining forces? Bring it on!

And, unsurprisingly, for me at any rate, I do indeed love the result. And this despite the inherent danger of disappointment when one’s much loved stars align; will it work? I mean, they are quite different; Szabo the oddball jazzer, and Pleasure the funky soulful groove merchants. I guess it dosa have to be conceded this isn’t my favourite Szabo, nor the best of Pleasure.

Anyway, to the music. It has a delicious mid to late ‘70s vibe, with echoes of everything from CTI to Steely Dan in the mix. And obviously a Crusaders/Pleasure vibe. Szabo is, of course, Szabo, as always! But for the most part his sound sits, comfortably enough, atop the rather silky smooth even quite lush musical Henderson/Pleasure style settings.

I must admit I am a less less enthused with the smattering of female vocals, which are most evident at the outset. They’re not awful, by a long shot. But I can see the moldy figs visibly rotting in reaction! The album opens with The Biz, in which the ladies croon ‘It’s a whiz, do The Biz… a little more, Gabor’! Kinda corny, I guess? But actually, the music’s great. And, in essence, the words are saying something I can totally get behind.

Track six, Alicia (I have a niece named Alicia, so that’s a nice resonance for me!), is incredibly Dan-esque in places, sounding very Deacon Blues-ish at times*. This is also one of two tracks that are repeated in slightly different form as ‘bonus tracks’ on some editions of this album.

Perhaps somewhat ironically, the most beautiful track on this album, Estate, is the most Szabo and the least Pleasure, very literally; it’s either a solo piece, or just two guitars. Perhaps Szabo duetting with his frequent collaborator James Stewart?

Not the best album in Szabo’s catalogue, nor Henderson’s or Pleasure’s, but a solid meeting of some very talented musicians, that’s still well worth having.

* As a massive fan of steam-powered dildos, I find this to be no bad thing.

MEDiA: Respect, 2021

Teresa and I watched this very slick biopic tonight (or, more strictly speaking, yesterday evening. We really enjoyed it.

It seems popular with Amazon Prime viewers as well, rated at 4&1/2 stars. That’s the platform we watched it on. I note that numerous film critics are quite critical, calling it a ‘cookie cutter’ type affair.

I k in box of get where such critiques are coming from. And yes, the balancing act of retelling a real life story with the affiliated danger dangers of sugar-coated hagiography are a very real problem in this f

Anyway, without going into any great depth. Here are a few thoughts. Yea, we see the usual beautification of characters. Aretha and ex-pimp hubby #1, Ted White, are particularly glammed up. The role of religion in the story is fascinating.

Jennifer Hudson is great as Aretha, albeit admittedly too conventionally pretty. It’s interesting to note that this was Franklin clan sanctioned movie, and Aretha herself effectively cast Hudson in the role!

Hudson with Aretha.

Forrest Whitaker is great as her Pops, the Rev C L Franklin. And the whole cast Aquitaine themselves admirably. The evocation of Jerry Wexler and his Muscle Shoals crew is very well done.

The movie fares admirably in the ‘Hollywood vs History’ stakes, ticking a lot of the factual boxes. But ultimately it is a kind of love-letter, and not a scholarly fact finding mission.

To me Aretha is pop. And I’ve never been massively into pop. This film, as reverent and cornball as at times it might be, helps me appreciate Aretha as both a person and an artist, so for this alone I think it’s hit to be considered – for me at any rate – a success.

And, with typical irony, her 1972 gospel album, itself the subject of a film, which the record moguls feared would be too niche, confounded the experts gloomy forecasts, and wound up being her biggest seller!

Ok, this isn’t a five star ‘classic’, perhaps. But it is a solid well made telling of a popular story. And a suitable celebration of a great talent, that’ll almost certainly encourage a whole new generation to check out this diva’s fabulous musical legacy.

DAYS iN: Holidays – Staycation, Day 1


The plan for today is extremely modest; lazy morning, late lunch, a trip to Huntingdon to look at antiques and walk by the river, maybe sit and read. And poss’ a movie back home with dinner, to finish.

We had booked a small cottage via AirB&B. But, for the first time ever, we had to cancel. Times are tight! And, by the looks of things, likely to get worse. We would only have bee. Just outside Norwich. So not far! But instead we’ll be home.

Pancakes… and look at that expression!

We’ll try and make it feel like a holiday with little day trips. Like the one we’re about to leave on now… Just finishing a moules marinierre and pancake lunch, and then orff we go!

Oh, and a literal footnote; yesterday some Brazilian flip-flops arrived. No doubt just in time for the change from summer to autumn!

Later we went for a walk along the river in Huntingdon. The sun came out here and there, and we had a picnic type snack, and sat and read in the car!

A venerable aulde tree.
Boaty folk enjoying the river.
Being by rivers is so calming.

POETRY: Leisure, W. H. Davies, 1911

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows:
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night:
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance:
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

I was made aware of both poet and poem by a guest public gardener, and their garden, on BBC TV’s terrific Gardener’s World.

MUSiC: Gabor Szabo

I’m trying out a tiny little MP3 player, as part of my ongoing participation in the Amazon Vine product review program. It’s an X16, and at present I’m struggling to learn how best to import music such that I can browse it easily.

The tiny X16 MP3 player.

I had one before, and couldn’t get the thing to work at all! So they – the supplier/manufacturer – sent me another. Both are now working. But at present I can only dump MP3s on the SD card, meaning they’re not grouped by album, or artist, or anything.

MUSiC: Gabor Szabo

I’m trying out a tiny little MP3 player, as part of my ongoing participation in the Amazon Vine product review program. It’s an X16, and at present I’m struggling to learn how best to import music such that I can browse it easily.

I had one before, and couldn’t get the thing to work at all! So they – the supplier/manufacturer – sent me another. Both are now working. But at present I can only dump MP3s on the SD card, meaning they’re not grouped by album, or artist, or anything.

MUSiC: Gabor Szabo

I’m trying out a tiny little MP3 player, as part of my ongoing participation in the Amazon Vine product review program. It’s an X16, and at present I’m struggling to learn how best to import music such that I can browse it easily.

I had one before, and couldn’t get the thing to work at all! So they – the supplier/manufacturer – sent me another. Both are now working. But at present I can only dump MP3s on the SD card, meaning they’re not grouped by album, or artist, or anything.

MUSiC: Gabor Szabo, live in Hungary

Amongst other stuff – largely Jap’ jazz-fusion – I’ve been really digging Gabor Szabo recently. Perhaps especially his Magical Connection album, of 1970. I’ve known and loved a lot of his stuff for many years. But some recent re-releases have re-kindled the flame.

Searching for more stuff by him, I stumbled upon this concert (see the YouTube vid’, above). And, with wonderfully serendipitous synchronicity, he kicks off this performance with that very same John Sebastian number.

What a totally groovy album cover!

One real downer, however, is that all the music I’m currently loving, turns out to be pricey. And I’m stone cold broke! The Szabo albums I’m after are all circa £15 a pop (not inc shipping), and the Casiopea albums (and other Jap J-Fusion stuff) are more like £30 each. Aaargh!!!

I’m currently agonising over the temptation to shell out £30+for the two Ebalunga Szabo reissues, Dreams and Bacchanal

At the time of writing this part of this post I’m returning to this concert footage for a second time (and it certainly won’t be the last!), and I’m even more blown away than first time around.

Searching around the internet for the credits, it was Doug Payne to the rescue! I also found out that someone put the audio out on CD (limited edition). I’d love to have that! But for now, here’s track listing, and personnel:

Magical Connection (John Sebastian)
My Foolish Heart (V. Young/N. Washington)
Fly Me To The Moon (Bart Howard)
As Eso Ed En (The Rain & Me) (T. Somló/A. Adamis), w. Kati Kovács, voc.
Sombrero Sam (Charles Lloyd)
Django (John Lewis)
Thirteen (Szabo)
My Love (Paul & Linda McCartney), w. Kati Kovács, voc.
Reinhardt (Wolfgang Melz)
Guitar - Gabor Szabo
Electric piano - János Másik
Acoustic/electric bass - Aladár Pege
Drums/percussion - Imre Köszegi
Congas/percussion - István Dely

The material Szabo chooses is perfect, and the musicians he picked – and he was free to choose whomever he pleased! – are astonishingly good. Bassist Aladár Pege, a new name to me (but apparently Hungary’s premier bassist at the time), is pretty astonishing!

The only slight dip for me comes with Kovács’ vocals on the McCartney’s number, My Love, which are just a bit too ABBA for my tastes. But the music, probably more how the band interpret it than the original piece, is still great.

Intriguingly Szabo plays two numbers, Django and Reinhardt, respectively, in the set, kind of tipping his tile to the great Gypsy jazz pioneer.

I feel obliged to include a link to Doug Payne’s excellent and informative entry on this stuff, so here it is. This includes a translation of the interview Szabo gives (which is in Hungarian, naturally!), which is an interesting read.

MUSiC: Natureza, Long Lost Joyce/Ogerman Album

I normally tend to find out about such things as this forthcoming release on Far Out long after the event. So it’s nice to be ahead of things, for once!

Rather strangely it was my search for Casiopea on CD at a reasonable price in the UK that lead me to the discovery. That quest is ongoing (and as yet unsuccessful!), but it took me, around the houses, via Minnie Riperton – and her astonishing ‘whistle register’ singing – to Honest Jon’s Records’ website, where I first learned of this latest archival Joyce release.

If you want to learn a bit more, try this link:

Or there’s this, from Far Out:

As I’m typing this I’m just starting to listen to the stuff that’s already our online. There’s an epic eleven minute version of her famous Feminina track, and – what I’m listening to right now – a piece called Descompassadamente.

I’d describe this latternumber as pastoral prog samba; it’s in 7/8, and seems to be a cyclic groove, with Buster William’s rich double bass very prominent in the mix, and layers of acoustic guitar, percussion and Joyce’s (and other) harmonised vocals. Lovely!

Now I’m on to the epic Feminina. This song, so joyful, and familiar to fans like myself, starts off sounding just like the versions I know, with Joyce’s dextrously nimble guitar work. But once again the lush low register timbre of Buster Williams’ upright bass adds a new dimension to proceedings.

These two teasers are mastered by Al Schmidt. And they sound great, albeit it I’m currently listening over my iPhone! But I read on the bandcamp link above that the remainder of the album has been ‘restored’ from a cassette mix Joyce had. Sounds a bit ominous! Audio cleaning and restoration software these days is amazing. Let’s hope it does the remainder of the material justice!

Hardcore devotee of such music as I am, I’ve simply got to have this! So I’ll be putting in my pre-order as soon as I can. as I’m typing this Feminina is passing the 7:30 mark, and electric keys and what sounds like vibes have entered the otherwise cyclic vamp mix.

If you love groove music, as I most certainly do, and the terrific artistry of Joyce, and that delightful hinterland where ‘70s jazz and Brazilian music converge, this is definitely one to check out.